New Boarders Handbook

EXEATS, WEEKENDS, END OF TERM & HALF TERM HOLIDAYS If you are a weekly boarder the boarding house will normal- ly close at 1.00pm on Saturday and reopen on Sunday at 7.00pm. You should be back in the house by 9.30pm. At holiday times you will be expected to return to the boarding house on the evening before the start of each half term and you are expected to leave the boarding house by 7.00pm on Exeats, or half term holiday. There will be one Exeat weekend per term published in the school calendar. If you are returning from overseas your parents may have to make arrangements for you to be met by a relation/guardian who can take you home until the appropriate time comes to return to the boarding house. Any other arrangements must be authorised in advance by the Head of Boarding or appropriate Housemaster. TRAVELLING IN STUDENT CARS If you want to travel in a car driven by another student, you must have written permission from your parents/guardians prior to undertaking the journey. You are expected to stay on site during the week unless special arrangements have been made with the member of staff on duty. If you want to leave the premises you must sign out and get authorisation from the member of staff on duty, who will want to know where you are going and, if appropriate, a contact name, address and telephone number. Prefects can authorise their own short off-site visits. If you want to stay out overnight, your ‘host’ family must contact the boarding house in advance and, where appropriate, your parents/guardians will have to give approval. Contact can be via phone or email. If you want to leave the premises, but stay on site, e.g. to go to the sports hall, you must sign out. In all cases, you will be expected to sign back in and when appropriate report to the member of staff on duty when you return to the boarding house. Please don’t forget to sign out for the weekend to go home and you need to have a conversation with a staff member letting them know you have are leaving for the weekend. 3) LeavingThe Premises 10/11