Parents Handbook
Medical Matters Matron holds a confidential mini surgery at breakfast, lunch and after school to deal with any medical problems. When Matron is unavailable, this provision is transferred to a designated trained first aider from amongst the boarding Tutors and Housemasters. At night, this will be one of the resident Housemasters. There is separate accommodation in the Boarding house for any Boarder who is ill or who needs to be isolated from other Boarders for whatever reason. Matron will register boarders with a local GP surgery if parents wish. Alternatively, boarders will be seen if necessary as a temporary patient. Boarders may freely choose whether to be accompanied by Matron, another member of the Boarding community or not at all, when being seen by the doctor or dentist. Medication • Matron keeps a stock of non-prescription medication to administer for minor illnesses such as headaches or sore throats. • If parents wish Matron to administer prescribed medication, it must be provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist, and include the prescriber’s instructions (in English) for administration and dosage. • Prescribed medication is only given to the pupil to whom it was prescribed. Such medication is not kept for general use or kept as ‘stock’. • Medication requiring refrigeration must be supplied in an airtight container and will be stored in a fridge in Matron’s room. • Older students deemed ‘Gillick competent’ may store prescribed medication, nutritional supplements (to help recovery after training) or a small amount of GSL (General Sales List medication e.g. some cold preparations or small amounts of paracetamol). This is under the proviso that they complete the necessary documentation and the medication is kept in a secure lockable place within their room. • It is our policy that unless they have been prescribed vitamins by a Medical doctor for a clear medical reason, boarders should not bring in vitamins and vitamin supplements to self-medicate. This would need clear documentation written in English by a Medical Doctor. Any such vitamins must comply with UK legislation. • No boarder should bring in homeopathic remedies to Fraser Youens House. • If a boarder is prescribed an Epipen or asthma inhaler, he must carry it with him at all times and parents are requested to provide a spare to be kept in Matron’s room. • It is parental responsibility to ensure that medication remains in date. Please see the boarding website for the full Medical Policy for Fraser Youens House.
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