Survival Guide
If you’re sporty, then we have plenty of activities for you to enjoy, such as cricket nets, football, basketball, fitness sessions and some of our own games, like four square and table tennis. However, if you’re not particularly into sports then we have lots of other activities such as chess, cookery, board games and music practice. Clubs change throughout the year, based on popular demand, and there are more outdoor clubs in the summer when the evenings are light. If you are interested in trying something new, or have an idea for a fun activity, speak to either one of the Housemasters or Prefects. We have a number of House Prefects including some Senior Prefects. Every year all the boarders vote for the the prefects that they want for next year. These boarders are then interviewed to see who will be the Senior Prefects within boarding. Their role is to give advice, help with homework or just have a friendly chat. All the new boarders will have a mentor who is in the Sixth Form. Mentors check you’re ok, help with homework, give advice or are just there to talk. You can also get lots of help from the Sixth Formers with school work. They also help out with activities and running house competitions. There is a list of mentors in the foyer with their room location so you know where to find them. Ask for help from the Sixth Formers Make the most of your free time 12/13
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