Survival Guide

There are many rewards that can be earned in the boarding house. Merits can be given by either Prefects or staff for lots of things like good behaviour, good school work, helping other boarders and community work. Every half term, the year group with the most merits per person will receive an evening treat. This could be a pizza, a movie evening in the boarding house, or a bowling trip in town. It’s a pretty great reward for not too much work. We also have lots of competitions over the course of the year. The table tennis ladder competition is the most closely fought. We run half termly House events that include an obstacle course, tug of war, Dodgeball amongst other more traditional events like House Six a side football and more individual events such as House Photography. Don’t forget to let teachers know when you have done something well so they can give you a merit! You are given quite a bit of freedom. You are allowed out of the House on the school site as much as you want. This is great as the school site is huge and you have the school play- ing fields to use as your back garden! The only rule is that you aren’t allowed to play inside the school buildings. You are also allowed to go into town, or to the local shops, as long as you are in groups of three or more and have been given permission by a Housemaster or Tutor. Boarders usually go straight after school and return in time for the 5.15 pm activity. Don’t forget to sign out of the House on the iPad in the foyer or you will get hassled by the Housemasters as they need to know where you are! Plan a trip to the shops Get enoughmerits for an evening treat