Survival Guide

Some boarders are Full Boarders and stay in the house over the weekends. If you are a Weekly Boarder (and most of us are), then you will be in the boarding house from Sunday evening until after school on a Friday. However, if you have a school match on a Saturday you are allowed to stay on Friday night too. All you need to do is let a Housemaster know and sign up for dinner on Friday night and breakfast on Saturday morning. Parents always have lots of questions and want to know how the week has gone, so it’s worth sometimes taking some exercise books home so they know how your work is going. Also, make sure they sign up to the boarding Twitter account @RGSHWboarding. That way they won’t have so many questions to ask! There are six house trips each year, one in each half term, and always on Sundays. These are mostly for the Full Boarders, but Weekly Boarders are most welcome to come along too. In the past we have been to Longridge Activity Centre on the River Thames where we go bell-boating, water-zorbing and rock climbing. Other activities include Go Ape, paintballing, go-karting and ice-skating. We usually all go to see a show in London just before Christmas, and have been to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda and School of Rock. House trips are always a great way to celebrate the end of each half term. What could be more fun than pummelling your teachers with 200 paintballs?! Make the most of the trips on offer Survive a weekend at home 14/15