Survival Guide

16/17 1. Get outside as much as you can and do lots of clubs and activities. 2. Try to get into good habits e.g. taking laundry down regularly, and not being late for breakfast. 3. Try to complete your homework the day it's set (or it can build up really quickly)! 4. Make an effort to talk to the older boarders. 5. Keep your room tidy or you will be constantly reminded to do it by the domestic staff, just like your parents would! 6. Get to know your fellow room-mates as they could be with you for your whole time at RGS, and that’s quite a long time. 7. Try your best to compliment and thank the kitchen and cleaning staff as they are always working hard and thinking of your best interests. 8. If you feel homesick, go and speak to some one; everyone feels homesick at some point. Survive anything, anywhere (according to the other boarders)