Survival Guide

Settle in and make new friends There is no need to be anxious or lose sleep over settling in, you will be fine. You’ll find that you’ve settled in by around the second week of term and have the routine sorted. When you start, you’ll have a Boarding Tutor who looks after you. They will check you are on top of homework and remind you to pack your schoolbag the night before, as well as helping you get to know the rest of the boarders in the House. You will also have a ‘junior buddy’ from the year above. They went through exactly what you did, so they know just what you are talking about. You will also be assigned a ‘prefect buddy’ so you can get to know some of the older boarders. It’s a good idea to become acquainted with the other year groups as quickly as possible by taking part in as many of the activities as you can. In September, the Housemasters and Prefects run lots of different competitions and games. It’s the best way of making friends and feeling part of the House. It is completely normal to feel homesick sometimes, and everyone will have felt that way at some point. Make sure you tell someone, and the Housemasters can suggest lots of ways of feeling better. 06/07