Survival Guide

7.30 am – 8.15 am: Breakfast You don’t have to come to breakfast in your school uniform, unless you come down after 8 o’clock, but you also can’t come down in your pyjamas, so most people wear sports kit or comfy clothes. 8.30 am: Time for School You need to be ready to leave the boarding house to get to your form room for registration or assembly. If you are late leaving, you get hustled out by a Prefect or a Housemaster, so try and keep an eye on the time! 5.15 pm – 7.00 pm: Activities These are normally sports or games outside, but we also do cookery, quizzes, board games and other fun activities. Afterwards, there is an optional swimming session on Tuesdays or Thursdays, or you can just relax and do your own thing before dinner. 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm: Homework Homework for Day Boarders and on Monday and Wednesday for Year 7. 7.00 pm – 7.30 pm: Dinner All the boarders, boarding staff and their families eat together, and dinner is everyone’s favourite meal of the day. There is an evening meal every night, and the dining room staff get to know you really well, particularly if there are things you can’t eat or don’t like. So, if you ask them, they may even cook something different just for you. Everyone’s favourite dinner is on Thursday, which is the ‘Meal Of The Week’, selected by a boarder. Get yourself organised 08/09