Sixth Form Entry Booklet

10 Settling into the Sixth Form Applicants sometimes wonder how they will settle into the Sixth Form of a new school - will they be the only 'newcomer'? It is common for over thirty boys to join the RGS Sixth Form. Since those already at the School are themselves embarking on totally new courses in fresh form groups, everyone sets out on a similar footing. Academic Life in the Sixth Form: A Level courses are much more demanding than GCSE. There is a need for more concentration, a readiness to work on your own and a willingness to do more than the bare minimum. You must also be prepared for a different pattern of work, in which the initiative rests, much more than before, with you the student. You should aim to spend a minimum of 12 hours a week on work at home , in addition to lessons and private study at School. When problems arise, it is frequently because an inadequate amount of individual study is being done. It is essential you are sufficiently committed to the work to spend a great deal of your time outside the classroom working on notes, textbooks, examples, case studies and reading round the subject matter. For further information on Sixth Form admissions and for department information, please go to the School Website ( or speak to the relevant Subject Leader.