Sixth Form Entry Booklet

14 September to February Theme: ‘Sense of Place’ You will produce a creative portfolio of work and final piece which demonstrates your ability to research and explore a range of visual stimuli and your personal connection, interaction and response to those surroundings. This includes a two-day workshop in a local area of geographical and artistic interest and a series of tasks designed to develop and challenge your existing knowledge and skills. Year 13 - Fine Art - 7202 Coursework Portfolio (60%) and Externally Set Task (40%). Set and marked by the School and moderated by AQA. February to January - Component 1 (60%) Theme: ‘Critical Studies/Personal Investigation Skills’ You will produce a creative portfolio of work and final piece which has a focus on your own selected area of interest which might develop from previous work or be influenced by your future career and university choices. Practical elements should make connections with some aspect of contemporary or past practice of artist(s), designer(s), photographers or craftspeople and include written work of no less than 1000 and no more than 3000 words. The portfolio will be a combination of practical tasks, together with written explanations and analyses of the research and development work undertaken. February to April - Component 2 (40%) You will produce a creative portfolio of work and final piece as an externally set assignment. You will select one question from a choice of eight issued by the AQA examining board. Questions are issued on 1 February and you then have nine weeks to prepare and develop your ideas through your portfolio. There is a final exam which lasts 15 hours. You will need to be able to work independently, managing your time effectively and demonstrate a sophisticated level of personal and thoughtful response to the stimulus, addressing all the assessment objectives through a finished outcome or series of linked final outcomes. Mrs G Francis