Sixth Form Entry Booklet

16 Assessment Overview: Paper 1: Advanced Biochemistry, Microbiology and Genetics Topics 1-7 Mixture of multiple choice and structured questions 1 hour 45 mins 90 marks Paper 2: Advanced Physiology, Evolution and Ecology Topics 1-4 and Topics 8-10 Mixture of multiple choice and structured questions 1 hour 45 mins 90 marks Paper 3: General and Practical Principles in Biology This paper will include questions from Topics 1−10, with a focus o n experimental techniques. 2 hours 30 mins 120 marks Science Practical Endorsement (non-exam assessment) 15 core practical tasks will be completed during the A level that are assessed using the common practical assessment criteria that are consistent across all exam boards. Subject Combinations and Subsequent Careers Biology combines well with Chemistry and Physics due to the overlapping scientific and investigational principles that are learnt across the science A levels. Biology links particularly well with Chemistry due to the biochemistry elements of the course and many universities may require applicants to have studied Chemistry as well as Biology for biological related degree courses. Mathematics is also another popular subject to add to the Sciences combinations due to the mathematical requirements of the Science A levels. The area of Biological Sciences includes a vast array of university courses such as Zoology, Plant Science, Ecology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Genetics. The Edexcel B Biology A level course prepares students well for these degree courses due to its range and depth of topics covered. Biology is an essential A level to study if you are planning on studying Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Medicine. These courses are amongst the most competitive in the country and therefore A/A* grades are required in Biology if your application is to be successful. The Biology department runs an RGS Medical Society that supports aspiring Medical students with their applications. Mr P Wood