Sixth Form Entry Booklet

19 CLASSICS Examination Board: OCR GCSE requirement: • Latin: 7 in Latin • Ancient History 6 in English Language or English Literature and 6 in History or Latin or Classical Civilisation The full, traditional Classics course consists of Latin and Ancient History. However, either of them can be taken with other subjects. A question often asked by pupils and parents focuses on what careers are available for those who take the Classical subjects for A-Level or beyond. The specimen list of potential careers at the end of this document section should offer reassurance and should not be surprising when one realizes that studying Classics is an introduction to two vigorous and fascinating civilisations at critical points in their development. LATIN There are two main branches to the work: First, the study of the literature, in prose and poetry, written by authors of central importance such as Cicero, Ovid, Tacitus, Livy, Sallust, Catullus and Virgil. Activities range from straightforward translation, to discussion and explanation of the subject-matter, to literary criticism. Specific prescribed texts of both prose and poetry are set; study of individual authors begins in Year 12, and in Year 13 there is the option to either add another author or to study the first author in greater depth. These are examined by both context and essay questions. Second, knowledge of the language is strengthened throughout the course with the grammar gradually becoming more complex in order to enable you to read Latin in the original with confidence. The skill of translating from English into Latin may be introduced in Year 13, leading, for those that want it, to the possibility of offering a prose composition (English into Latin) in the examination. The alternative is a comprehension/translation test which includes some questions on grammar. Latin fits particularly well with Modern Languages, History and English (and may be offered with those for university entrance, including Oxbridge), but in recent years it has also been combined very successfully with Mathematics and/or Science subjects to offer some breadth.