Sixth Form Entry Booklet

20 The new specification offers a straightforward transition from GCSE work, and should be accessible to anyone with a Grade 7 or better. However, the prime requisite is enthusiasm for the subject and we will try to accommodate you if you are keen to study the subject. (Note that Latin at this level does not contain any Roman Life element. If you have a particular interest in this aspect you might like to consider Ancient History.) Exam Units taken at the end of the 2-year course: 1. Unseen translation of one prose and one verse passage (1 hour 45 minutes) 2. Comprehension paper or optional English to Latin composition (1 hour 15 minutes) 3. Prose Literature tested by translation, context and essay questions (2 hours) 4. Verse Literature tested by translation, context and essay questions (2 hours) ANCIENT HISTORY Please note that absolutely no previous knowledge of Latin or Greek, or even of the Ancient World in general, is expected if you want to take this subject. All necessary background is fully explained at the beginning of the course, and all sources are studied in English. The essential requirements for success are: an interest in history per se , an enjoyment of reading and research, good reasoning skills and the ability to write good English. The course is accessible if you have GCSE English Literature at Grade 6 or above and, where GCSE History, Latin or Classical Civilisation have been taken, a Grade 6 or above is required. If you fail to meet these requirements you will be assessed on an individual basis, so do not be deterred. A Level Ancient History is made up of two aspects, both examined at the end of Year 13 in two 2½ hour exam units. Greek The 5th century BC Period study - looking at the 5 th century with a focus on the relations between Sparta, Athens and Persia, through the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars. Sparta Depth Study – looking at the politics and culture of Sparta with relation to the other Greek states. There is considerable overlap with the period study Roman The Julio – Claudians Period Study - considering the early days of Imperial Rome and the evolution of Empire. The Fall of the Roman Republic Depth Study – considering the period immediately preceding the Period study, and how it was that the Republican system ceased to be fit for purpose and allowed the creation of Imperial Rome You will be expected to have a detailed knowledge of prescribed original sources.