Sixth Form Entry Booklet

22 COMPUTER SCIENCE Examination Board: OCR GCSE requirement: 6 in Computing if previously studied and 6 in Mathematics and 6 in English Language or English Literature Introduction Computer Science is a subject that, by its nature, requires you to consider individual, moral, ethical, social, cultural and contemporary issues. Computers are widely used in all aspects of government, business, industry, education, leisure and the home. In this increasingly technological age a study of Computer Science, and particularly how computers are used in the solution of a variety of problems, is not only valuable but also essential to the future wellbeing of the country. Computer Science integrates well with subjects across the curriculum. It demands both logical discipline and imaginative creativity in the selection and design of algorithms and the writing, testing and debugging of programs; it relies on an understanding of the rules of language at a simple level; it encourages an awareness of the management and organisation of computer systems; it extends your horizons beyond the School environment in the appreciation of the effects of computer applications on society and individuals. For these reasons, Computer Science is relevant to you if you are studying Arts or Science subjects. Course Outline Computer Systems (1) – You will gain an understanding of operating systems; the characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices, software and software development, exchanging data, data types, data structures and algorithms Legal, moral, cultural and ethical issues. This element contains most of the content of the qualification and is assessed in a written paper recalling knowledge and understanding. Algorithms and Programming (2) – You will gain an understanding of elements of computational thinking, problem solving and programming and algorithms. This component relates principally to problem solving skills needed to apply the knowledge and understanding gained in the Computer Systems component 01. Programming Project (3 or 4) – this is a practical portfolio-based assessment with a task chosen by you and/or your teacher. It will involve you using an appropriate programming language. You will gain an understanding of definition, investigation and analysis, system design, software development and testing; documentation, evaluation and how to produce written reports covering these topics.