Sixth Form Entry Booklet

33 GERMAN Examination Board: AQA GCSE requirement: 7 in German Why German at RGS? Boys at RGS choose to study German at A-Level for a variety of reasons. You might be interested in gaining fluency in another language in order to increase your job opportunities. German is one of the most commonly used languages in business and can be very useful in advancing careers. You might choose German because of its importance for science and research. German is the second most commonly used scientific language in the world and there are lots of scholarships and awards available that enable researchers to work in German laboratories and research centers. 155 Nobel Laureates come from German-speaking countries with academic expertise ranging from Physics to Literature. Germany has the world’s third strongest economy and is the world’s second -largest exporter. Its economic strength equals business opportunities. Multinational businesses such as BMW, Daimler, Siemens, Lufthansa, SAP, Bosch, Infineon, BASF, and many others need international partners. You might be interested in learning German as a means of cultural understanding, in order to travel, and to have meaningful conversations with people from a different country with the aim to better understand different cultures. German is the 11th most- spoken language in the world, with over 132 million speakers and has the largest number of native speakers in the European Union. Or you are keen to pursue your passion for Music, Literature, Art or Philosophy, and want to learn about some of the truly great works of artists in the original language from German-speaking countries. By learning German, you can read books and plays in the original language or understand the lyrics of famous pieces of music. If you choose A-Level German you will study topics such as the changing role of the family, the digital world, integration into German society and German music, films, television, traditions, fashion and art. You will also continue to work on your knowledge and understanding of German grammar. You will be encouraged to listen to and read extra authentic German material. Our students also have one period each week with our native German speaker to develop their communication skills. Whatever your reason for deciding to study the language, we are confident that you will find learning German at RGS an intellectually thrilling and personally enriching experience. German is a language that can really take you places – why not begin your journey at RGS? Mrs C Javaid