Sixth Form Entry Booklet

38 MUSIC Examination Board: WJEC EDUQAS GCSE requirement: 7 in Music and a strong commitment to co-curricular Music at RGS Although A Level Music is an academic course it does have a strong performing element to it. It has been designed to follow on logically from GCSE, with the three aspects of performing, composing and appraising reflected in the three units of the course. However, unlike GCSE Music where Performance and Composition are worth 30% each, you can now choose to specialise in one component more in a 35%/25% splitting allowing you to play to your strengths. Component 1 : Performing: externally assessed - 35%/25% of the qualification • A recital performance (lasting 8-12 minutes) of usually three pieces in front of an EDUQAS examiner. • Performance can be on one instrument / voice or multiple instruments (and can be performed all solo, or a mixture of solo and ensemble). • Grade 6 is the expected instrumental / vocal standard, with Grade 7+ pieces adding on extra difficulty bonus marks to scale towards full marks overall. Component 2 Composing: externally assessed - 25%/35% of the qualification • Composing two or three pieces – one responding to an EDUQAS brief released in Year 13 (in a Western Classical style) and one being a free composition (any style permitted). • Total combined length: 6-8 minutes. Component 3 : Appraising: 40% of the qualification • One exam (lasting 2 ¼ hours) consisting of a listening section and a written section. Students will study set works and complete wider listening across three main Areas of Study in preparation. Assessment Overview One written paper at the end of Year 13, comprising 3 Sections: • Section 1: Development of the Symphony (1750-1900) Exploring from the early symphonists (Stamitz, Haydn, Mozart) to mid-period (Beethoven, Schubert, Berlioz) through to late symphonists (Dvořák, Tchaikovsky, Mahler)