Sixth Form Entry Booklet

39 • Section 2: Jazz (1920-1960) Exploring from the early origins (Ragtime, Blues, Dixieland) to mid-period Big Band through to Bebop and Cool Jazz. • Section 3: Into the 20 th Century Exploring Impressionism (Debussy, Ravel etc.), Neo-Classicism (Stravinsky, Prokofiev etc.) and Expressionism (Schoenberg, Webern etc.) This two-year course allows you to really develop as a musician, both practically and academically. It also complements the huge range of co-curricular music in the RGS Music Department. Hence, it provides a strong foundation to study any discipline at University. Many students have indeed gone on to study Music at a top Russell Group university or specialist Conservatoire. Equally, a large percentage also choose to study anything from Medicine to Law, Engineering to Humanities – the list is endless. Indeed, Music is accepted as a strong third A-Level in any university offer. The blend of creativity, analysis, and critical thinking in the Music A-Level course is a distinct plus to any UCAS application. Mr F Mullaly