Sixth Form Entry Booklet

40 PHYSICS Examination Board: PEARSON EDEXCEL GCSE requirement: 7 in Physics or 7/7 in Combined Science and 6 in Mathematics or, if Mathematics not being taken at A Level, 9 in Mathematics is required The Subject Physicists study matter and interaction, and look to explain and appreciate the remarkable order present in nature. They study the universe at the largest (Cosmology) and smallest (Particle Physics) scales, gaining insight into some of the fundamental questions of humanity. Physics is also extremely useful – as proved daily by engineers, doctors and medical physicists around the world. It is popular among RGS Sixth Formers, with over 70 students last year signing up. The Skills If you study Physics as an A Level subject, you can expect to: ▪ design complex experiments and conduct them in teams within a certain limited period of time ▪ measure quantities accurately, and gain an appreciation of the level of accuracy needed for a particular purpose ▪ analyse evidence numerically, and work with mathematical concepts and models. Subject Combinations Physics A Level is usually required for any university application in Engineering, Materials Science or Physics. If studying any of these areas, it is also essential to study A Level Mathematics. The Course In Year 12, you will study some of the keystone topics of Physics, including mechanics, energy, materials, electricity, waves and quantum physics. This helps hone your fundamental understanding of the laws governing the universe and prepares you for Year 13 where you go on to study more complex systems such as harmonic oscillations, rotation and gravitation, electromagnetic field interactions, cosmology and particle physics. There is also an emphasis on teaching practical and investigative skills throughout the course, taught largely by means of key experiments you will undertake. These will contribute towards your ‘Common Practical Assessment Criteria’, and there will also be questions about these key practical and analytical skills in the summer exam papers. Mr K Watson