Sixth Form Entry Booklet

43 RELIGIOUS STUDIES Examination Board: AQA GCSE requirement: 6 in Religious Studies if previously taken and 6/7 in English Language and English Literature with a minimum total of 13 Religious Studies at A Level offers a thorough introduction to both Theology (the study of a religion) and Philosophy and Ethics across the two papers. It encourages analytical thinking, personal reflection and will help you develop skills in writing strong arguments. In essence, we hope to teach you how to never lose an argument – so long as it’s about religion or morality! You do not need GCSE RS in order to study this at A Level as the content is new. You do not need to be religious but you do need to be willing to explore religious perspectives as ‘truth’ and be willing to have your own views challenged and critiqued. Essay writing is a key component of the course, as is discussion and close reading of texts, and this ought to be considered before you make your choice. There are two papers for this exam. Component 2 has two options (Christianity or Islam) for us to choose from and the decision will be made in consultation with students studying the course. Component 1: Philosophy of Religion and Ethics Component 2: The Study of Religions - CHRISTIANITY or The Study of Religions - ISLAM using the same topics shown below but applied to Islam • Arguments for the existence of God • Evil and suffering • Religious experience • Religious language • Miracles • Self and life after death. • Ethical theories • Issues of human life and death • Issues of animal life and death • Introduction to meta ethics • Free will and moral responsibility • Conscience • Bentham and Kant • Sources of wisdom and authority • Self, death and afterlife • God • Good conduct and key moral principles • Christianity, gender and sexuality • Expressions of religious identity • Christianity and science • Christianity and the challenge of secularism • Christianity, migration and religious pluralism • The dialogue between Christianity and Philosophy • The dialogue between Christianity and Ethics Assessment: 3 hour written exam, 100 mark, 50% of final grade Assessment: 3 hour written exam, 100 marks, 50% of final grade Mrs S Khan