Sixth Form Entry Booklet

44 SPANISH Examination Board: AQA GCSE requirement: 7 in Spanish Spanish at A Level has been consistently gaining popularity over the past few years, with several boys going on to study it at degree level, often along with another subject. Whether you wish to study one or two languages you can choose additional subjects from a wide range of Arts and/or Science subjects. If you wish to study two languages, the combination of subjects will be French with German or Spanish. You are particularly advised not to consider a language as an easy option. A considerable amount of general reading and listening is vital and, in any case, learning a language always entails hard work, much of which will be left to your own initiative, e.g. reading and listening to authentic items on the Internet and VLE. The Course Paper 1: Listening, Reading and Translating 2½hrs 100 marks 50% overall mark Paper 2: Writing 2hrs 80 marks 20% overall mark Unit 3: Speaking 23mins 60 marks 30% overall mark Spanish is an excellent subject to study because it allows you to learn a whole host of skills that are applicable to many areas of life. You will continue to build on the GCSE requirements of speaking, listening, reading and writing but the course content is much more varied and requires a depth of thought, understanding and analysis not previously seen. The 5 main themes taught are: • Aspects of Hispanic Society • Artistic Culture in the Hispanic World • Multiculturalism in Hispanic Society • Aspects of Political Life in the Hispanic World • A piece of literature and a film There is considerable use of the language in the classroom both in discussions and in listening practice. One period per week is set aside for oral work with the Foreign Language Assistant and you are strongly advised to go abroad on work experience, an exchange or study visit.