Sixth Form Parent Handbook 2021

Page | 11 3 Induction into the Sixth Form Moving into Sixth Form means adjusting to the demands of A Level specifications and, for some, a new school. The following have been put in place: • Induction Programme designed to make the transition as smooth as possible from an academic and pastoral perspective. • A four-week programme of work. Your son should have received information about and completed the four-week programme of work in each of his planned A Level subjects to assist him in the transition from GCSEs to A Levels in September. This should give him an idea of the level of work required. • Subject Requirements booklet, available on the School website, which details A Level entry requirements for each subject. This booklet also gives information regarding recommended reading material by subject area. • Subject to restrictions at the beginning of term, w e will hold a Freshers’ Fayre (where students will be informed about RGS clubs and volunteering opportunities); an A Level study skills workshop; a team building morning and an inter-Form sports competition. The timetable for the Year 12 Induction Day on 3rd September 2021: 9.00am Year 12 students that are new to RGS, to meet in the School Library for registration and School photographs. 10.00am All of Year 12 in the Queen’s Hall for Introductory talk and administration. 10.40am Induction Programme with Form Tutor. 12.00pm Induction Programme ends. Year 12 students new to RGS to meet for lunch provided by the School. Induction Programme for Year 12 students new to RGS continues: biometric system sign in and tour of school site. 1.00pm Year 12 students new to RGS meet in Upper Library. 1.15pm Introduction to the School Library. 1.30pm End of Induction Day.