Sixth Form Parent Handbook 2021

Page | 12 4 Sixth Form Dress Code Please ensure your son adheres to the following dress code: • Black, grey or dark blue suit • Sixth Form or Prefect tie (supplied by RGS on 3rd Sept) • White or pastel coloured shirt (plain or striped) • Black, grey or dark blue V-neck pullover • Black leather shoes (not trainers or boots) • Socks of a plain dark colour or grey • Scarves of RGS design or single plain colour There is no prescribed Games kit for Wednesday afternoon Games sessions although your son should be appropriately dressed for the activity he chooses to do. 5 Personal Appearance The personal appearance of our Sixth Form students sets the standard for the rest of the School and we ask for your support in our aim of maintaining the standard expected. It is a requirement of the School that your son should have his hair cut in a tidy and seemly fashion above the collar with no decorative or patterned shaving. It is not acceptable for hair to be bleached or unnaturally coloured. Watches and a single plain stud in one earlobe are acceptable but other jewellery or piercings are not. Your son is expected to be smartly dressed according to the Sixth Form Dress Code coming to School and returning home. 6 Personal Property In order to avoid unnecessary loss: • all personal property, and particularly games kit, should be clearly marked with your son’s name . • large amounts of money should not be brought into School. • During Games lessons, all valuables must be deposited in the secure boxes provided. Between 8.40am and 3.40pm, valuables such as mobile phones and other devices should not be used in accordance with the Valuables Policy. If they are seen they will be confiscated by a member of staff, your son will receive an after-school detention and the phone will need to be collected from the School Office at the end of the day.