Sixth Form Parent Handbook 2021

Page | 15 canteen area to eat a packed lunch if they prefer. The Restaurant has wi-fi and Year 13 students can use the facility during the school day for their private study periods to work in slightly more relaxed surroundings. The Cafe Royal is open all day for Year 13 students to purchase snacks and hot and cold drinks. Biometric System (new students) The School operates a Biometric Cashless System through ParentPay, which is used in the Canteen and School Shop. Your son will have his fingerprint registered on the first day of School if he is new to the Sixth Form. ParentPay In order to load money on to your son’s account, during the first week of term, you will receive a letter containing a unique username and password to activate your ParentPay account. This allows future payments for School meals to be made by credit or debit card. The balance will be shown each time the account is used to make a purchase to allow time to re-credit. You may request a printout of your son’s expenditure from the Catering Manager (also available on ParentPay). Whilst your son’s ParentPay account is set up, he can pay for lunch items via Apple Pay, Android Pay or bank card on the PDQ machine at the Café Royal. Year 12 and 13 students are eligible for free school meals if they or their parents are receiving one of the qualifying benefits. If your son is eligible for free meals, he will still have to register his fingerprint to open the account. The free meal allowance will automatically be credited to his account although the allowance will not accumulate if it is not spent. For further information, parents should contact the Finance Manager at 9 16-19 Bursary Fund 2021/2022 What is the 16-19 Bursary Fund? This fund is made available from the Government through its funding body, Education Funding Agency (EFA), to provide assistance to students aged 16 - 19 years old whose access to, or completion of, education is inhibited by financial constraints or barriers. • A Bursary of up to £1,200 a year for young people in one of the defined vulnerable groups