Sixth Form Parent Handbook 2021

Page | 17 Useful information for the rest of the Sixth Form 10 Attendance: School Hours and Punctuality Registration Sixth Formers are expected to be in their form rooms by 8.40am and Registration is taken by Form Tutors at 8.45am. Form time is essential both as a daily point of contact with their Form Tutor and for developing effective organisation and good time keeping. Lateness If, on a very rare occasion, students are unavoidably late, they must sign in at the Student Hub as soon as they arrive on site. Students arriving late, without communication from parents within 24 hours, will automatically be placed in an after-school detention from 3.40pm to 4.40pm. Parents will receive an email to their school registered address informing them of this. 11 Attendance: Absences from School Attendance Sixth Formers are expected to have an Attendance record at School of 90% and above. This takes into account leave required for academic exams and University Open Day visits/interviews. Illness If your son is extremely unwell and unable to attend School, please advise us by emai l or telephone 01494 551466 before 9am on the first and subsequent days of absence. The email/phone message should clearly state your son’s name, Form and reason for absence. Please keep the School informed about an on-going/long term absence using the e-mail address above. Appointments If your son has a specialist medical appointment, driving test or music exam that cannot be made outside the school day, please advise the School in advance by email o r by telephone 01494 551446. Your son is personally responsible for ensuring that he does not leave the site for a pre-agreed appointment without signing out at the Student Hub. Please note that students are not permitted to leave school during the day for driving lessons.