Sixth Form Parent Handbook 2021

Page | 18 Leave of Absence Please ensure that your son does not miss School for a family holiday or social occasion. We pursue a full academic programme to the end of every term and we ask for your support in this. In exceptional circumstances, requests for Leave of Absence can be made in writing by completing a form on the RGS App/website (under the Parents section) and this will be considered by your son’s Head of Year. Where possible, please give 2 weeks’ notice of the request. Leaving the School Premises The School Rules still apply to Sixth Form students in that they must not leave the site for an appointment without signing out at the Student Hub. In the case of illness, your son needs to s ee Matron (or, in Matron’s absence, the School Office). If after seeing Matron, your son needs to leave school, please ensure he signs out at the Student Hub. Given the importance of knowing who is on school premises at all times, it is imperative that your son adheres to this request. Year 12 and 13 have permission to leave the premises at second break only They are then expected to be back on site for any lessons timetabled in the afternoon. Year 12 may leave at the end of Period 6 if they have no lessons timetabled after that for the rest of the day and Year 13 may leave after Period 5 if that is their last lesson. 12 Benevolent Fund Each week students contribute to the Benevolent Fund. The Fund supports local, national and international charities selected by the students and responds to disaster appeals and specific charities’ requests. In the past , donations have been made to British Legion Poppy Appeal, Jeans for Genes, Children in Need, Book Aid, Disasters Emergency Committee, Save the Children, Young Minds and many other organisations. 13 Calendar The School calendar is available to view on the website. Key dates for Year 12 are listed at the end of this booklet. 14 Careers / Higher Education It is important your son looks to the future and the opportunities available to him when he leaves School. The Careers department is a valuable resource area for information on Higher Education and Careers. We