Sixth Form Parent Handbook 2021

Page | 20 On the last day of each half term School finishes at 3.00pm. On the last day of each term, School finishes at 1.00pm. In the case of early finishes most contract buses are rearranged to leave earlier. You will be informed of these arrangements by a letter from School and your son will be notified via a notice in Assembly. 17 Driving Lessons Driving lessons should not be arranged during school time (8.40am- 3.40pm, including lunchtime). The only exception to this is when a student has a driving test, where a lesson is permitted before the test. Requests for Leave of Absence for a driving test should be made in advance via a Leave of Absence form in the Parents section of the School Website. 18 Driving to School Students in Year 13 may choose to drive to School. However, very limited parking is available for Sixth Form students on the Uplyme Field car park. Year 12 students who pass their test should not consider driving to school until mid-May when the Year 13 have started their exam Leave of Absence. A parking permit must be obtained from the Resources Centre beforehand. The cost of the Permit is £75 per year from the Autumn Term; £50 in the Spring Term and £25 after Easter. Permits are given out on a “first come, first served” basis, with Year 13 students having priority as indicated above. Sixth Form parking permits must be clearly displayed on the dashboard at all times. The School cannot accept responsibility for students driving their own cars or for passengers choosing to have a lift from a friend. Drivers should be aware of any insurance restrictions. The School reserves the right to request parents to stop their son driving to school should we witness dangerous or careless use of a vehicle. Car drivers are strongly urged to protect their car with an anti-theft device and not to have expensive stereos or valuables on display. The School accepts no responsibility for damage, loss or theft. 19 Exams and Predicted Grades We wish to stress to you how important Year 12 is with Year 12 UCAS Exam results having a real impact on your son’s UCAS application, higher and degree level apprenticeship and/or job applications. The grade he achieves in his UCAS Exams will play a major factor in determining the predicted