Sixth Form Parent Handbook 2021

Page | 21 grades that will be used on his applications made in Year 13. You should, therefore, be aware of the need for your son to prepare thoroughly for these exams. In the past, parents have asked us to make this point so that they have an awareness of the work Year 12 students will be undertaking when they consider February and Easter holiday arrangements. It is perfectly possible for Year 12 students to plan and organise their revision schedules so that family holidays are restful breaks, but we want to highlight this for your early and general awareness. 20 House System The School has an active and vibrant House system, consisting of six Houses. This is a great opportunity for all students to become actively involved in the life of the School with over 30 House competitions. 21 Library The Library opens at 8.00am every School day and closes at 4.30pm (4.00pm on Fridays). Your son can use the Library before and after School and during break and lunchtime in order to browse and read quietly, borrow and return books. He is automatically a member of the Library and can borrow resources using the fingerprint recognition system. In addition to fiction and non-fiction books, the Library offers a range of periodicals and DVDs, and has access to several online resources to encourage research skills. There are 9 computers available for study and research use. The professionally qualified staff are assisted by a team of trained Library Prefects who can help with all enquiries and information needs and assist with book choices and advice. Sixth Formers can use the Library facilities after School (until the times above). 22 Lost Property We expect your son to look after his property and to ensure his belongings are kept safe. All his items must be named in full. If a named item is received in Lost Property a note will be issued promptly to your son, via his Form Tutor, asking him to collect it from Resources. Unclaimed and unnamed property will be stored for a period of 2 weeks. After that time, it will be disposed of either via the charity supported by RGS. 23 Map of the school For those new to RGS, a map of the School site will be issued to your son on