Sixth Form Parent Handbook 2021

Page | 22 his first day. Further copies are available from the School Office or from 24 Matron Mrs Gina Barry RCN, is our Matron and deals with the students' everyday medical requirements. Please inform Matron, either by email o r by filling in the RGS Medical App, of any known medical conditions for which your son may need treatment. If he is prescribed an asthma inhaler or EpiPen, he must always carry it with him and complete a care plan. If you are concerned about your son's health or well-being, please contact Matron. If your son feels unwell during the day, he must report to Matron who will contact you if he needs to go home. 25 Music There is a strong tradition of Music at the RGS, both as an academic subject and as a performing art. Concerts, competitions, recitals and workshops take place on a regular basis. Most years there are several students who go on to pursue musical studies at University or Music conservatoire. The highlight of all the Music Department events would have to be the (currently biennial) RGS Musical; our productions carry a reputation of being a step or two above that expected of most school shows and are a fantastic experience for all involved. The Music Department has excellent facilities, including a suite of two large teaching/rehearsal rooms and a studio equipped with iMac and 10 practice rooms. Indeed, there is a strong sense of community amongst Sixth Form musicians, who regard the Music Department as a second home! RGS Music is well supported, both logistically and financially, by its own parent group, Friends of Music. Large numbers of Sixth Formers also learn musical instruments on a private basis with one of our 22 highly-regarded peripatetic music tutors, covering all instruments (orchestral/popular) and voice. There are weekly orchestra and wind band rehearsals for players of all standards, regardless of whether the student studies A-Level Music or is on the regular timetable. All instrumentalists are encouraged to take part in these activities, which usually happen at breaktime, lunchtime or after- school. There is a strong choral tradition at RGS – including a four-part Senior Choir, Close Harmony Group (with a long-established biennial exchange to Salzburg) and Chamber Choir – so budding singers are also