Sixth Form Parent Handbook 2021

Page | 23 particularly welcome. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Director of Music, Mr Mullaly ( . 26 Organisation of Forms In the Sixth Form, Form groups are organised around subject choices. On the Induction Day, your son will meet his Form Tutor and Form group. Your son’s Form Tutor is always your first point of contact. At the beginning of term, he will be advised of his Form Tutor’s email address. 27 Parental Responsibility A parent who does not live with their son, and maintains parental responsibility, will receive School communications, copies of their son’s School Reports and Progress Grades via the InTouch system. To ensure this can happen please provide an email address, via the Admission Form. 28 Parents' Association The Parents’ Association always welcomes new members. During the year, the PA organise a range of fun and entertaining social events for students and their families such as the Autumn Fair, Spring Fair, Family Quiz nights, Year 7/8 Disco, Coffee mornings, Theatre trips, Monthly Prize Draw and RGS's Got Talent. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the PA have unfortunately been unable to hold events at the school in the usual way. However, they recently organised a Crowdfund and raised £35,000 towards an essential IT upgrade and all- weather outdoor dining facilities. The success of the Parents’ Association is reliant on support from its members. You can support them in several ways: by coming along to the events organized; by volunteering a few hours of your time; joining the Committee; giving us ideas and feedback; donating raffle prizes or baking cakes for our events. If you would like any further information, please email or visit the PA web page on the School website. 29 Private Study and Homework Part of the process of adapting to further study is to learn how to use Private Study time effectively. To assist with this process, all Year 12 students have their Private Study periods supervised by a member of staff. We hope that Year 12 students will increasingly learn how to use their