Sixth Form Parent Handbook 2021

Page | 24 Private Study time profitably and develop sound time management skills, which are essential for success at A level and in higher education. Our expectation is that all students are full-time and should be dedicating a minimum of 16 hours a week at home to their studies. This will vary from student to student and week to week but for good A level grades we believe this is the commitment required. If your son is regularly not spending this time working at home, there may be cause for concern and you should enquire of him how his work is progressing. If you have further cause for concern, please contact the School to make an appointment with his Form Tutor or Head of Year. Assignments and set work should always be submitted on time. On the rare occasion there is a problem with a deadline, students should always discuss this with the member of staff concerned before the due date. Given the commitment needed to fulfil 16 hours of study at home, it is our advice that students do not commit to lengthy periods of part-time employment, which will undoubtedly impact on their academic progress. Academic staff spend many hours preparing and marking work and it is very frustrating to have students who are tired and unfocused in lessons often because they have been working the previous evening doing a part-time job. We would ask all parents to support us in our aim of preparing your son for his UCAS exams and A-Level examinations and help him to establish clear priorities. A maximum of one day at the weekend is our general guideline for part time employment. 30 Reports and Parents' Evenings During Year 12, you and your son can expect to receive regular reports on his progress through Progress Grades, a written report and at Form Tutor and Parents’ Meetings. Your son is encouraged to attend these meetings with you. The exact dates will be confirmed via the School calendar and, of course, by letter. In addition, should we have any concerns about your son’s progress or work ethic we may contact you to discuss the matter. 31 RGS 360 Award Our vision of an RGS Sixth Former is a student who not only fulfils his academic potential but who is also a well-rounded individual. To this end, all Sixth Formers are expected to work towards the RGS 360 Award, which involves developing their commitment to co-curricular, volunteering, work experience, extended research and leadership activities. Your son will be