Sixth Form Parent Handbook 2021

Page | 25 expected to develop a portfolio demonstrating his involvement in these activities and the skills he has developed. Those students who successfully meet the criteria set will be awarded the RGS 360 Award and could quote their involvement in their university personal statement and employment applications. Co-Curricular Opportunities There are a wide variety of activities available in the Sixth Form and we encourage all Sixth Formers to participate. A list of activities will be issued to students early in the Autumn Term and can be found on the School website. Volunteering We expect all Sixth Formers to undertake some form of volunteering over a period of time. All students will be presented with a range of volunteering opportunities both inside and outside School, however, should your son find other sources of volunteering outside school we would be happy for him to pursue this. Leadership As your son progresses in the Sixth Form there will be leadership opportunities made available to him. We would also encourage him to seek leadership opportunities outside School and communicate these to us as part of the ongoing discussions with his Form Tutor about his RGS 360 Award. 32 Safety Glasses / Laboratory Coats Health and Safety rules require all students to wear safety glasses for Design & Technology and Science lessons. These may be purchased from the School Shop for £3.00 per pair. If you would prefer to make your own purchase of safety glasses, they must conform to an appropriate European Standard such as EN 166F. If your son is studying Chemistry, he must bring his safety glasses to every Chemistry lesson. If he forgets and a practical lesson is scheduled, he will have to hire a pair from the Department. Health and Safety rules also require students to wear their white laboratory coats for all practical lessons in Design & Technology and Science.