Sixth Form Parent Handbook 2021

Page | 26 33 School Closure If the School is closed unexpectedly due, for example, to bad weather, details will be posted on the School website: 34 School to Home Communication You will receive all School correspondence via e-mail, to the email address you have provided. If you are unable to receive e-mail correspondence, or if you would like to amend or add an e-mail address, please email Mrs Gameste r All correspondence intended for Parents (including letters from the Headmaster and holiday dates) is posted on the School’s website in the ‘Parents – Parent Letters’ section. Please check the website regularly. If there are any home circumstances which could affect your son at School, or if any issues of this nature arise in the future, please contact your son’s Head of Year. Any information received will be treated sensitively and in confidence. We understand there may be occasions when you would prefer us not to discuss such matters with your son but ask you to make his Head of Year aware, as it is often helpful to know of any matters which may be troubling him. Experience has shown us that the more we know about home and/or personal circumstances, the more support and understanding we can offer the young men in our care. We seek to work with you in these situations and value this important partnership we have with parents. 35 School Office It can be very difficult to contact individual students during the School day, so please do not ask for messages or items to be passed on to your son unless it is an emergency. 36 School Shop (Food and Stationery) The School Shop has a selection of homemade hot food items, paninis, chicken wings and burgers. Also, a variety of cold items: sandwiches, baguettes, wraps, fruit pots, pasta pots and boxed salads. There are also a number of homemade sweet treats: cookies, brownies, muffins and flapjacks along with a selection of confectionary items, chocolate bars and crisps. Th e School Stationery Shop provides ties, aprons, goggles, memory sticks,