Sixth Form Parent Handbook 2021

Page | 27 water bottles and a full range of stationery at competitive prices. Items can be ordered online using the enclosed link and collected from Resources during the school day. 37 School Uniform Hawkinsport (Bourne End, Bucks) are the official suppliers of our branded uniform and sports kit (i.e. all clothing with our current logo). Parents are strongly advised not to purchase uniform or sports kit from other retailers. The School cannot be held responsible for purchases outside the recommended suppliers. During term time , Uniform can be ordered online from Hawkinsport a nd delivered to School where it can be collected from Resources or an appointment can be made to visit Hawkinsport in Bourne End. 38 Senior School Assembly Each week there will be one virtual, one collective and one Year Group assembly. Students will remain in their Form groups for the other two days for an extended Form Period. 39 SIMS Parent App The SIMS Parent App allows you to access information about your son, (including attendance, timetables, School reports, Achievement and Behaviour information), from a smart phone, tablet or PC. On a weekly basis, you will receive an email to update you on homework that is due or submitted by your son. The App also allows you to update your address and contact details ensuring the School always has the most up-to-date information in case of an emergency. 40 Sixth Form Agreement As a Sixth Former, your son is a role model for the rest of the School, and they continue to be subject to the School rules. Sixth Formers are expected to act in accordance with the School's Code of Conduct and all students will be required to sign the Sixth Form Agreement in September. The Agreement outlines the conduct and behaviour we expect from our Sixth Form students and a copy can be found in the Essential Documentation section of the Sixth Form Life 2021 portal on the School’s website (from the home page, choose “Sixth Form” then “Sixth Form Life 202 1 ” from the drop -down menu).