Sixth Form Parent Handbook 2021

Page | 28 41 Sport at RGS There are many School teams and opportunities for your son to represent the School. We encourage all students to get involved in one or more of the sports on offer. Inter-school matches take place on Saturdays and during the week and we welcome parents at all our School matches. There is a thriving inter-House competition in all sports, with a structured season of fixtures which all students participate in during the games programme. There is a strong “ strength and conditioning ” theme underpinning everything we do, and we believe this supports our students’ long-term athletic development for sport and life. Mouthguards As you may be aware, the governing bodies of Rugby and Hockey strongly recommend the wearing of custom fitted mouthguards at all levels. The School policy is to adhere to these guidelines, and we have organised a visit by OPRO, the dental organization specialising in mouthguards, at the beginning of term in September. This will give everyone the opportunity to have a dentally fitted mouthguard at a reasonable cost. Please see the separate letter about mouthguards on the Into the Sixth web portal. There is no obligation to purchase a dentally fitted mouthguard and you may choose to purchase these items elsewhere. However, please note that all students will require a mouthguard for their sports lessons. ‘Off Games Policy’ If your son is unable to take part in his Games activity due to injury or illness, you need to inform the Sports Department via a letter which should be presented at the start of the lesson or before. If your son is to be off Games for more than two lessons, a Doctor’s or Physiotherapist’s note is required; this will then be kept in our long-term injury file. All students are required to bring appropriate PE kit to suit the activity at the time. Indoor lessons - tracksuit, shorts, polo shirt, trainers. Outdoor lessons - appropriate footwear, track suit, waterproof etc. Parental Support We are very lucky to have strong parental support for sport in the form of our various Friends of RGS Sports groups; FRORGS (Rugby), FRGSCC (Cricket), Friends of Hockey and Friends of Rowing. For all Sports communications please use the website and follow us on twitter @RGSHWSport for the latest