Sixth Form Parent Handbook 2021

Page | 6 themselves in some of the 70+ clubs, teams and activities that flourish in our diverse and inclusive Sixth Form. In Year 12 there are opportunities to get a flavour of the world of work, such as attending business-focused conferences with other local schools. Our own 360 Award initiative is designed to ensure all senior students make a continued and exemplary commitment to volunteering, co-curricular and leadership activities so that they foster new competencies and develop existing talents to the very highest levels, whatever they may be. This ethos encourages our students to be outward looking, showing an understanding of the School and its role in the local community. Similarly, the RGS Lecture Series, delivered by an array of visiting speakers, aims to cover a comprehensive range of topics and life skills enhancing and complementing the established academic curriculum. We are determined that our Sixth Form students should be generous-spirited, caring and considerate individuals who can cope in all circumstances and make a meaningful contribution to the lives of others. It is also our aim that your son should be equipped with the necessary skills to be employable, to succeed and to be personally fulfilled.