Sixth Form Parent Handbook 2021

Page | 9 1 Important Dates (subject to change depending on government restrictions) Thursday 12thAugust 2021 - GCSE Results Day Please check the RGS website for the latest information regarding the GCSE Results day process. Friday 3 rd September 2021 - Beginning of Term Please check the RGS website for the latest information regarding the Year 12 Induction Programme and start of term. Monday 13th September 2021 – Introduction to the Sixth Form The purpose of this meeting is to provide parents with information relating to life and study in the Sixth Form. Please come to the Queen’s Hall for 7.30pm. We strongly recommend that both Year 12 students and their parents attend this meeting. Wednesday 15 th September2021 – Sixth Form Study Skills and Team Building Day The purpose of this day is to give students the opportunity to hear from a leading expert in the field of study skills to help them successfully make the transition from GCSE to A-Level Study. There will also be an opportunity for Form group sports and team-building activities during the afternoon session. November 2021, date tbc - Year 12 Form Tutor Afternoon You will be able to book a 5-minute appointment to check your son is settling into life in the Sixth Form. Instructions will be sent nearer the time regarding the booking system. February 2022, date tbc – Y12 Parents’ Meeting This is an opportunity to meet your son’s subject teachers. Instructions will be sent nearer the time giving details about the meeting and instructions on how to book your appointments. 2 Sixth Form Subscription Apart from our academic programme, we aim to offer a variety of activities in the Sixth Form so that your son can make a smooth transition into A Level studies from Year 11 and develop in character and citizenship in preparation