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Year 9


I hold great enthusiasm and interest in exploring our extraordinary world. This passion has hugely grown whilst studying Geography at RGS. I find it amazing as well as an advantage to study world data, geographical models, maps and all other skills Geography has to offer here at RGS. These skills and knowledge are not only utilised within the classroom but also in real life to a large extent including camping, navigation, exploring, quizzes and several other situations.

The teachers are phenomenal here, setting high standards to grasp key concepts and they ensure we students are challenged to beyond our potential. I find this deeply encouraging to reach higher level learning. Each lesson, I am fully engaged and enrich myself with fresh knowledge and the wide spectrum of techniques that my teachers employ to guide us in our learning reinforce my ability to embark a professional career. I feel confident to complete homework assignments and extensions as well as expand my knowledge further on the topics by conducting further reading and in reward I gain notable achievements and excel in the subject. I appreciate my valuable experience of studying online with RGS Geography teachers due to Covid-19 outbreak, it’s equipped me to being very organised, independent and prepared for future job roles by remaining functional and delivering to my best. I appreciate the constructive feedback given from my teachers and being able to easily approach them for my specific needs, this helps advance my performance further.

At present, I feel that I can progress to pursue a professional career which adopts the principals and skills gained studying Geography at RGS. Furthermore, I aim to demonstrate my geographical skills towards personal projects as my contribution to help this world evolve more effectively !