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It's Quiz Time!

Know your LUNULA from your Aloo?!

In the senior boarding quiz we split up into 5 teams made up of Year 10s to 13s, each creatively named, with my favourite being boarder control. We then did our best to answer questions in everything from recent films to history with everyone giving their all to help think up possible answers. Towards the end the 5 teams were all close together with the leading team and the losing teams being 4 points apart. In the final round, each time tried to catch up to the leaders through gambling their points on the bonus question with some teams losing points due to wrong answers. 

In the end I was lucky enough to be part of the winning team that earned a tub full of Heroes to share. It was a fun event filled with puzzling questions and huge laughs – Isaac Hammond 

See if you can answer some of the quiz questions below: