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Headmaster's Letter

A very happy new year to you all.

Dear Parent

A very happy new year to you all. Further to my letter, which was sent to all parents last week, a reminder that all lesson, for all years will be online from today. Please do support us by reinforcing, to your son, his responsibility in being present for form time and all timetabled lessons. I will keep you informed about plans for future weeks, once the picture becomes clearer- as you are aware, schools are the raison d'etre of political debate at present. Furthermore, we have just heard that the Prime Minister will be speaking at 20:00 tonight, which may change things. Please look out for communications regarding the provision of examination timetable updates and Covid Lateral Testing (for example, the consent forms are being sent today).

As ever, please do not hesitate to contact the School if you have any concerns about educational provision at this time.

With best wishes

Philip Wayne