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Get involved - make the difference for our boys!

Please join us in supporting our boys by funding their future.

Get involved

The PA committee is made up of a small core team supported by a vital extended team of parent volunteers who have historically organised events to help raise essential funds to support the School. Events like Year 7 & 8 Discos, Science Nights and the Spring and Christmas Fayres have enabled the RGSPA in recent years to purchase and support: books for the library, Prize Giving and more recently the new Drama Studio and a learning wall. All of these purchases were possible thanks to the support of Parents, Carers, Teachers, Pupils and local businesses! Thank you so much!

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we have unfortunately been unable to hold events at the school in the usual way. We really need your help, so please join us in supporting our boys by funding their future. We need your help to raise £22,500 to fund the below key areas. Every donation is deeply appreciated and will benefit all boys. 

  • Replace the outdated IT infrastructure with the latest "Fit for purpose" equipment for all boys to benefit from across many subjects.
  • Provide "All-weather" outdoor dining facilities for the boys to use at break and lunchtime, throughout the year.

Please click above to our Crowdfunder page.

Many thanks!

Ram Boyapati, Chair of RGSPA on behalf of the committee