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Rave Reviews for The Producers!

RGS offers as much fun as you'll find on any stage this week.

Far from giving offence, Mel Brook's musical has now acquired an extra patina of charm. It is a sign of liberal progress that we can afford to laugh at the stereotypes of yesteryear. For all its daring, Brooks’s show is ultimately a nostalgic throwback to vaudeville and a testament to male friendship. 

Three cheers to friendship and laughter!

Producer Show Reviews 

“A mesmerising performance from all students involved. A polished and professional production with infectious humour and characters that were brought to life on the stage.”  

“As someone familiar with the show I was blown away by just how well it was done. A fabulous production full of laughs and surprises. The cast are full of energy and maintain it for the whole performance and my what a high-octane performance.” 

“The musicians are incredible, and the staging and lighting is amongst the slickest I have seen in a school show. If you’ve seen the show/film before you will not be disappointed. If you are unfamiliar with the show, then prepare to be thoroughly entertained.” 

"Fabulous production, superb acting, dancing and singing. Outstanding musicians. Stage lighting so professionally created.” 

“You will be both astonished and delighted at what these young people have achieved.” 

Photography @GianniMatMura