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Want to sell yourself? Know your subject, don't waffle and avoid clichés.

Be ambitious, be aspirational, be part of the Sixth Form journey. 

The chance to go to university is an extraordinary privilege. On campuses across the UK, staff and students are working to deliver medical and technical breakthroughs, lead economic regeneration and inspire the next generation. Many of our alumni have been part of this journey.

There are new degrees tackling climate change, AI and hip-hop production and after a big boost for Stem subjects in the past decade there is a welcome multidisciplinary and collaborative approach with the arts and humanities.

However, the higher education landscape has never been tougher. It is more competitive to get a place at many top institutions; the cost of attending university has soared, leaving graduates with extraordinary debt; and in many cases campus life still bears the scars of the pandemic. Meanwhile lecturers are on strike and the marking crisis a running scandal.

It means any prospective student needs to think hard about whether university is the right choice, and then what to study and where.

Sixth Formers applying to university are facing exceptionally tough competition, fuelled by a record number of 18-year olds in the population, post-pandemic demand and increased interest from international students. So standing out from the crowd is important. Here at RGS, the Sixth Form aim to start our students on that path by offering them an exceptional all-round experience through a wide range of events. Below is just a snapshot of what has been on offer to date. 

Year 12 Enrichment Day
The Enrichment Day held on 18th September allowed Year 12 students to learn more about leadership and collaborative strategies which can be applied to all aspects of Sixth Form life at RGS and beyond. The day was designed to help students build confidence, develop practical leadership skills, understand the importance of teamwork and build new relationships with peers through a series of practical and physical challenges.

Year 13 Academic Forum with Wycombe Abbey 
The Wycombe Abbey Academic Forum is an immersive conference designed to help prepare Year 13 students applying to Oxbridge and Russell group universities. Students attended a talk, followed by a university-style subject seminar and an interdisciplinary academic quiz. The conference dealt with the academic challenges that applicants will experience when applying for, and attending university.

Year 12 Leadership and Communication Skills Course 
This is an 8-week programme where students learn effective presentation and leadership skills with the objective of preparing students to confidently deliver key messages to any audience. Week by week, the course helps students develop their presentational and networking skills and is ideal preparation for students who want to apply for leadership roles within school later this year or for those who want to hone their presentational skills in advance of important interviews or leadership roles. The course culminates with a showcase evening where the participants deliver a short presentation in front of their family and friends. 

“Presentation skills are an essential skill in the workplace, and an integral part of graduate recruitment, so the chance to practice before a friendly audience is an invaluable addition to the curriculum.”  
RGS Parent

"I have gained confidence and a great deal of useful knowledge. I am very pleased to have been a part of it.” 
Year 12 Student

Lecture Series
Throughout the year, Y13 and Y12 students attend a weekly Lecture Series with the aim of preparing them for life in the Sixth Form and beyond. The Lecture Series, which was established 15 years ago, draws upon external speakers who are experts in their field and covers topics such as Mental Health, Diversity, Student Finance, Study Skills. LinkedIn and Interview Master Classes.

Aspiring Medics, Vets and Dentists Mock MMI Interview Evening
Tomorrow, a Mock MMI (Multiple Mini Interview) Evening has been organised with the kind support of our parent and volunteer Medic community. It is designed to provide our students with invaluable experience and insights into the interview process they may encounter when applying to medical and vet schools in the highly competitive programmes that utilise the MMI format. This format assesses a candidate's communication skills, ethical reasoning, problem-solving abilities and interpersonal skills through a series of short interviews and can be challenging and unfamiliar to many students.

What's up next ...