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Wit and Wisdom from the Year 12s

Just like Churchill's speeches, our Year 12s did not always confine themselves to serious rhetoric and motivation: their off-the cuff quips and comments displayed wry wit and humour.

Twice Prime Minister and the holder at one time or another of all the important cabinet posts in government, Winston Churchill would lead the nation through the dark days of the Second World War, a beacon of defiance in the face of German, Italian and Japanese aggression that threatened to consume much of the world. His powerful oratory was an inspiration to the British people, giving them hope when their backs were against the wall.

Indeed, Churchill was a master of rhetoric: his speeches, radio broadcasts and writings bristled and sparkled with uplifting phrases, cutting remarks and wry wit, while his off-the-cuff comments were legendary. In 1953, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for "his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values".

Yesterday, 23 students took their first foray into public speaking, like Churchill. They took part in a showcase evening and delivered a short presentation in front of family and friends. The diversity of their chosen subjects ranged from Time Travel to Hippos; the Battle of Trafalgar and Procrastination, to Fake News and the Psychology of Music. Their adroitness of the English language was a celebration of their way with words that both inspired and amused.

Nearly 100 Year 12 students have applied to participate in the 8-week Leadership and Communication Skills Course where students learn how to combine effective presentation and leadership skills with the objective of preparing students to confidently deliver key messages to any audience. Week by week, the course helps students develop their presentation and networking skills and is ideal preparation for students who want to apply for leadership roles within school later this year or for those who want to hone their presentational skills in advance of important interviews or leadership roles. 

Be ambitious, be aspirational, be part of the Sixth Form journey.