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Dates for the Diary

Dates for the Diary

  • Friday 4th September Year 7 induction and Year 12 Sixth Form Induction.
  • Monday 7th September- Year 7, 11, 12 and 13
  • Tuesday 8th September - Full return.

The timetable for the Year 12 Induction Day on 4th Sept is as follows:

  • 9.00am
    Year 12 boys that are new to RGS to meet Mrs Wallace at the pedestrian gate on Hamilton Road for school photos.
  • 10.00am            
  • All Year 12s (existing & new RGS boys) to go straight to their form rooms
  • 11.45pm            
  • Induction Programme ends for internal Year 12 boys. 
  • Year 12 boys new to RGS meet at the Dining Hall  for lunch with their 'RGS Buddies', please bring a packed  lunch.
  • 1.00pm              
    Induction Programme ends for boys new to RGS. 

Monday 7 September - For Students New to Year 12

Please note, school IT logins and set up IDs will take place between 3.40pm - 5.00pm on Monday 7 September.