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Sixth Form Dress Code

Sixth Form Dress Code

Please ensures your son adheres to the following dress code:

  • Plain black, grey or dark blue suit
  • Sixth Form or Prefect tie (supplied by RGS on 4th Sept) *
  • White or pastel coloured shirt (plain or striped)
  •  Black, grey or dark blue V-neck pullover
  • Black leather shoes (not trainers or boots)
  • Socks of a plain dark colour or grey
  • Scarves of RGS design or single plain colour

* Sixth Form ties are given to students on the Year 12 Induction Day. There is no charge as the cost is covered by your Sixth Form subscription payable at the beginning of Year 12.


There is no prescribed Games kit for Wednesday afternoon Games sessions although students are asked to be appropriately dressed for the activity they choose to do.

Personal Appearance

The personal appearance of our Sixth Form students sets the standard for the rest of the School and we ask for your support in our aim of maintaining the following expectations: 

  • Hair should be clean, smart, seemly and professional across all year groups. Buns, top knots and ponytails are acceptable if smart, seemly and professional
  • Extreme hairstyles, hair with contrived patterns and/or unconventional shaving are not acceptable
  • It is unacceptable for hair to be of an unnatural colour
  • The Sixth Form are allowed to grow a beard if it is smart, seemly and professional
  • Students should take care of their personal hygiene
  • Watches and a plain stud in each ear lobe are acceptable but other jewellery or piercings are not. The only exception is jewellery which is worn for faith reasons. Please ensure any ear studs are removed prior to taking part in Games or sports fixtures.
  • No nail varnish or makeup to be worn in school
  • Students are expected to be smartly dressed in full school uniform coming to and going home from school