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Laptops, iPads & Tablets

Sixth Formers are expected to have access to a digital device in all lessons. This may be their own laptop, iPad or tablet. Use is at the discretion/request of the teacher. Students are not allowed to access their phones during lessons. Year 13 may use their phones only in the Sixth Form Centre. Students are also expected to be able to access homework set electronically and communication sent via their School email address.

The guidance and rules indicated in the School’s “Acceptable Use of ICT Systems and Learning Gateway Policy” also apply to the use of laptops, iPads and tablets. There are limited facilities at School for charging devices and your son should charge this equipment at home. If he uses his own laptop, iPad or tablet in School, he must use the school Wi-Fi.

We would also wish to stress that it is vital that your son maintains the ability to write quickly as this is the way they are examined.