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Religious Studies

We are proud of the ambitious RS curriculum we offer that has both depth and breadth of RS concepts.

Years 7 to 9

Key stage 3 begin by looking at an introduction to world religions and a unit on identity and belonging. This provides an opportunity to address common misconceptions, nurture positive relationships with peers and understand that there is never a ‘single story’ of people that we learn about. We then move onto Philosophy of Religion and Ethics, considering questions about the existence of God, nature of evil and suffering and value of human life.

All students study an 8 week unit of RS at KS4 on Crime and Punishment and students can opt for GCSE RS Full Course (AQA Specification A: Islam and Christianity with non-textual themes).


The popularity of GCSE RS has grown significantly over recent years and students often comment on their desire to engage with the news, learn about the law and reflect on their views about topics ranging from sex before marriage to capital punishment and PTSD to human rights. We believe in nurturing lifelong learners who feel confident in asking challenging questions, engaging with different perspectives and seeing themselves as global citizens.