Psychology literally means the study of the mind, and is an academic and applied discipline which involves the scientific study of human or animal mental functions and behaviours. It is an engaging and effective introduction to Psychology. Students will learn the fundamentals of the subject and develop skills valued by Higher Education (HE) and employers, including critical analysis, independent thinking and research. The subject encourages students to study and evaluate the methods and value of a variety of different aspects of psychological study. Psychology builds on skills developed in the sciences and humanities, and enables progression into a wide range of other subjects.This is a subject where independent learning is actively encouraged and students are encouraged to read as much as possible outside the curriculum to enhance their understanding of Psychology as a whole.
A Level
The new A level is made up of some compulsory content and some options. There are three papers for which there is a two hour exam for each. Each topic is worth 24 marks.
Paper 1 – Introductory topics in Psychology
All of these topics are compulsory.
- Social influence
- Memory
- Attachment
- Psychopathology
Paper 2- Psychology in Context
All of these topics are compulsory.
- Approaches in Psychology
- Biopsychology
- Research methods
Paper 3 – Issues and options in Psychology
Issues and Debates in Psychology is the only compulsory topic on this exam.
Students will also sit questions three other sections which are as follow:
- Gender
- Schizophrenia
- Forensic Psychology