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Year 12 & 13: Useful Information

Next Steps: Getting Prepared

Year 12 students have recently received a presentation about how to prepare themselves over the next few months for the completion of UCAS, Apprenticeship or job applications.

The presentation explained to Year 12 students that any degree course Admissions Officer or future employer is going to be looking for solid evidence of real passion for and commitment to the subject chosen or apprenticeship / job applied for. The presentation below makes suggestions regarding how students can add genuine substance to their personal statement for UCAS, apprenticeship or job applications. For example, gaining work experience, attending talks or entering subject competitions all show a student’s passion for a subject over and above their learning at school.

Please click on the link below to access the presentation given to your son. There is also a template for your son to use to record any super-curricular activity he undertakes so that he can refresh his memory when the time comes to complete applications.

As a reminder, here is the webinar given by William Wadsworth on study skills in Michaelmas term.