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Sports Facilities
Our programme provision is underpinned by our facilities and our desire to create an inspirational environment in which to teach and learn.

The All Weather Pitch & Small All Weather Pitch
The All Weather Pitch enables hockey training to take place on site as well as use for other sports and co-curricular activities.
The Small All Weather Pitch is a 4G for multi-sport use.

Friends of Rugby invested £136k in the gym extension, with annual memberships ensuring ongoing upkeep and investment. This extension has created a much larger working space for the pupils, as well as a purpose built physiotherapy room. The impact this has had on PE & Sport is significant, with multiple PE classes now able to access the gym simultaneously, as well as the various sports teams and leisure gym users.

Sports Hall
The Sports Hall is accessible to PE & Games classes, indoor cricket, fencing, DART Karate and a variety of co-curricular activities.

Swimming Pool
Swimming has always formed an important part of the school curriculum, teaching the pupils invaluable life skills.

Dedicated Sports Provision

Medical Provision

We provide a physiotherapy service that supports pupils of all ages.
We want to ensure our young athletes receive the highest level of care possible, with a co-ordinated approach to any rehab pupils may need.
We work in partnership with Jade Blake, who leads the medical care, linking the reporting and management of injuries with our Strength & Conditioning provision.

Head of Athletic Development & Sports Graduate Coaches
A core development in recent years has been the introduction of a Head of Athletic Development and three Athletic Development Coaches.
These members of staff are present in curricular and co-curricular Sport & PE at the school, using their expertise to help guide students with fundamental movements that transition into their chosen sport and fitness.
The use of Athletic Development Coaches has meant that within each lesson/session, there is more contact time with individual pupils and therefore more coaching interventions can occur.